New User Registration

Do you have IACUC approval for the behavioral experiment(s) you are planning to do?

Does the protocol list PPC as a use site? *Users cannot access the PPC facility unless they are listed on an approved IACUC protocol that includes the Preclinical Phenotyping Core (PPC) Facility as a use site.

What species do you plan to use in the PPC?

Are your animals already housed in the DLAR animal facility at BST3? *If no, please contact DLAR at to discuss space availability and animal transfer options.

Failure to comply with the PPC SOPs and Policies will be documented and, if applicable, registered with the DLAR or IACUC. It may lead to formal reprimands and loss of access to the PPC facility. These can be reviewed under the Policies tab. Do you agree to follow the Standard Operating Procedures and Policies of the PPC facility?

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